ID Card in Plastic Case
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This free gift is a beautiful ID card in a plastic box with basic information and photos on it. It is all in a layered PSD, so you can easily edit and modify it as needed. Www.pixel-fabric. All free (free) resources on the COM pixel structure, including but not limited to icons, images, brushes, shapes, layer styles, layered PSDs, patterns, textures, web elements, and themes, are available for personal and commercial projects free of charge. If you trust our resources or/or help disseminate our information, we will appreciate it. We will be very happy if you write to us about the resources you use in the project. However, you cannot reallocate, resell, lease, license, sublicense or provide our resources to any third party. If you want to present our resources on your site, do not link directly to the resource zip file, as these URLs change periodically, link to the appropriate page on the pixel fabric. Com, where users can find their downloads.

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