Google Buzz Icon PSD
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Google buzz Logo.psd After taking the time to do this, you begin to realize that it was the idea behind a Logo, not the Logo itself, that made it what it is now. A sign can be creatively inspiring, provocative, and iconic to the right, but if the meaning behind it has no substance, then it's just another fancy sign. Google buzz adds a new depth and perspective to the social media world, which makes many people excited about its prospects. With the advent of this new way of communicating and sharing ideas, news and ideas, I developed a high-resolution version of the logo to be used in any way the Internet sees fit. Enjoy it. Development Note: So, after a heated photoshop and design debate with other designers about the new Google buzz logo, I was initially flawed in some design aspects about what it should look like. With some help, I was able to get a high-resolution logo to work with. If you like this sign, look at my profile, and you may like other things you see

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